My secret fantasy is to get a guy to shave from top to bottom... the hair on the head and eyebrows can be spared.
What is this obssession with their hair?
- The hair look yuck... disgusting... sickening... and men show them off by wearing shorts. In my 12th std while joining the Biology tuitions in A'bad the professor had told my Mom dos and don'ts.. "Girls are to dress decently for the tuitions... no shorts allowed". One fine morning (at 6.15 am) the guys in my batch turned up in shorts... the girls were taken aback... their legs looked so creepy... it was an unpleasant sight. I still don't understand why the Prof preferred to look at such ugly legs rather than the pretty and shaved legs of his female students.
- Hair stink... we all know that... why do guys like to stink?
- Arm pit hair are the worst... imagine a pretty girl in a sleeveless top... she raises her hand and you spot her arm pit hair... Pukish!!! Right?? Thats exactly how it feels when men raise their hands. Shaving arm pits is the bare minimum that ANY guy can/should do.
- Hairy Butt... A girl bends down revealing her butt... sexy? I don't know... a guy bends revealing his hairy butt!!! A very common phenomenon. Ever heard of belts???
Lets make this world a better, cleaner and nice smelling place by shaving!!!